Allonnes (Sarthe)
Archeological site
Archaeological excavations of the Mars Mullo sanctuary and its surroundings (excavations, surveys), Allonnes, Sarthe, France.
Project leader : Katherine Gruel.
Since 1994, the UMR 8546 AOrOc has been coordinating important research studies on the site of Allonnes (Sarthe), such as surveys on municipal land and excavations on the Mars Mullo sanctuary (4th century B.C. – 4th century A.D.).
The prime contracting is led by the Paris B Delegation of the CNRS and is financed by the DRAC of the Pays de la Loire, the Sarthe department council, the Metropolis of Le Mans (owner of the site), the city of Allonnes and the UMR 8546 AOrOc.
The excavation campaigns are directed by Katherine Gruel, holder of the dig authorization, and V. Brouquier-Reddé; they are assisted by V. Bernollin. Several researchers and engineers from the UMR have worked on Allonnes: - C. Allag,
– C. Bailly,
– F. Bérard,
– P. Delangle,
– G. Depeyrot,
– F. Gury,
– T. Lejars,
– F. Monnier,
– F. Ory,
– F. Payre.
Others, also associated with the laboratory, have partly or wholly devoted their doctoral dissertation to the site:
– S. Cormier,
– A. Coutelas,
– C. Loiseau.
Finally, G. Guillier, as an INRAP agent, carried out most of the archaeological diagnoses in the town of Allonnes.
As part of the ANR CELTECOPHYS program coordinated by K. Gruel, M. Dabas (Géocarta) and A. Tabbagh (UMR Sisyphe) operated several surveys of the site and of the municipality of Allonnes. The CAPRAis associazted to the digs and promotes archaeological activities in Allonnes.
The numerous excavation campaigns have contributed to training students from various French institutions such as the Ecole Normale Supérieure, the University of Le Mans and the University of Tours (but also Bordeaux, Nantes, Paris, Amiens, Lille…).